initial D: drift stage is one of my top ten on newgrounds. I cant wait to see what else you have in store.
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initial D: drift stage is one of my top ten on newgrounds. I cant wait to see what else you have in store.
thanks very much. im still new to this actionscript thing (less than a month, actually), but once i learn all the ins-and-outs, i hope to make some pretty clean games.
i can't wait to play the real version. (when is it coming out)
that was a sucky game with a sick concept (I scored 1365017 all the way up to level 15)
P.S. Don't make a second you sick bastard!
pretty good
you should add some music and improve the graphics
p.s. my hi-score was 712 can any one beat it??
very original
that was so funny keep up the good work
Thanks but interactivity 7? :P
Joined on 10/27/04